Vet Terminology starting with G on – from Gait to Granuloma


The manner or style of movement; often used to assess horses or dogs for lameness.

Relating to the stomach.

Gastric lavage
To flush out the stomach.

Inflammation of the stomach.

Also known as GI. Pertaining to the stomach and intestines. The term ‘digestive system’ includes the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, anus, pancreas, and liver.

Any microscopic organism that can potentially cause disease; includes viruses, bacteria, and fungi.


Relating to the gums.

Inflammation of the gums.

Increased pressure within the eye caused by an accumulation of fluids; can lead to blindness if left untreated.

An oral medication that can be used to control blood glucose levels in some diabetic cats who still have some insulin production.

This literally means a small cluster; commonly used to refer to the renal glomerulus, the area of blood filtering in the kidney.

Hormones produced by the adrenal gland which regulate protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and are important to almost every function of cells and organs. They also stabilize cell membranes which is an important part of their function in treating allergic reactions. Also called glucocorticosteroids.

Hormones produced by the adrenal gland which regulate protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and are important to almost every function of cells and organs. They also stabilize cell membranes which is an important part of their function in treating allergic reactions. Also called glucocorticoids.

One of the building blocks the body uses to make new cartilage.

Glucose in the urine. (Also called glycosuria.)

A storage form of glucose in the body.

Compounds which serve as the building blocks of cartilage, which covers the ends of bones within a joint. Glucosamine and chondroitin are necessary for the body to make glycosaminoglycans.

A measure of weight. 28 grams = 1 oz.; 454 grams = 1 lb.

Gram negative
A classification of bacteria based upon their lack of retention of a certain stain in the laboratory. The staining quality is based on the structure of the cell wall surrounding the bacteria. This structure of the cell wall influences which antibiotics will kill the bacteria. This laboratory staining method was developed by Hans Gram in 1884.

Gram positive
A classification of bacteria based upon their uptake of a certain stain in the laboratory. The staining quality is based on the structure of the cell wall surrounding the bacteria. This structure of the cell wall influences which antibiotics will kill the bacteria. This laboratory staining method was developed by Hans Gram in 1884.

The formation of a nodule as a result of inflammation.